Tips for your best adventure yet #1: Packing 101

Tips for your best adventure yet #1: Packing 101

So you’ve booked your Euroventure (fabulous choice, darling), taken the time off work and your excursion is now only a few short weeks away. So what now?

First things first, packing. One key struggle with inter-railing is knowing how much to bring along with you. Should you so happen so be a severe over-packer like some of us in the office (who may or may not have brought a salon-worthy hairdryer strapped to the outside of her backpack), you’ll know it can be pretty darn easy to overdo it.

But never fear! As globetrotters, we ultimately feel your pain, so have thus collated a wee list of things you definitely do, and definitely don’t, need to bring…



  • For starters, unless you’re pretty clued up on the dialect of your various travel destinations, make sure you get yourself a guidebook (and a good one, at that). You don’t need one for every country/city, simply one on Europe alone should do you fine, cover the basic language and the places to avoid/be sure to see. (Just as well you’ll get one free with your travel pack when you book with Euroventure…)
  • A bum-bag. Not only is this the true height of fashion (we’re serious, check topshop from last summer…), but it will also be your best friend come your travels. Use it to securely store your money and phone, and not only that, but when the time comes to show any relevant documentation (your passport and whatnot), you need not get all hot and flustered riffling through your rucksack in front of a burly Croatian train guard…
  • Your Passport, train tickets and anything else you need to get from A to B. Because, let’s be honest here, without them, you’re kinda screwed…
  • A trusty wash bag. In here you’ll need the very basics (you can always get more along the way) such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, sun cream, deodorant and hand-sanitizer. Whatever you do, don’t.forget.hand-santizer. Oh, and any formal prescriptions you may need, do try your best to bring those along as it may get a little difficult to replace them in a foreign land.
  • A phone charger, adapter and headphones – for obvious reasons.
  • Your common sense. Don’t walk alone at night if you can avoid it, don’t take candy from strangers… you know the drill.


  • Your entire makeup stash. Because frankly, no matter how glam-tastic you may be, you will give up applying a full face of the stuff after around the five day mark. Lipstick and eyeshadow take up a surprisingly large amount of space, which could most definitely be used as storage for more important items. The same goes for clothes. Think comfort over catwalks – no one outside of the UK goes out in hotpants and heels.
  • Your most cherished valuables. Whilst you may well be covered, it’s probably best to keep the likes of your iPhone 6 and DSLR camera back at home. Go back in time and snap up a retro Nokia mobile and disposable camera. Retro is the new modern, right?
  • All your money – in cash. Ok, so we’re not saying just bring a fiver, but try and be realistic. Set yourself a manageable weekly budget, take that out on, say, Monday, and stick to it. Oh, and hey, if you don’t spend it all, you can pop it in your penny jar when you return for your next big trip, right? Doing this will help you budget and make you less of a target to crooks.

Essentially, we reckon it’s best to under-pack and pick up any necessary bits along the way than doing a Buckaroo and carting your life belongings with you… Time to get on board with travelling light, friends. Our rule of thumb? If it doesn’t fit in a rucksack. Don’t. Bring. It.

Now, if we’ve inspired you to head off to an exotic location (or five), be sure to browse our wonderful site for opportunities, and be sure to come back soon to read part two of our top travel tips!


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